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Web Services
Domain Name
The first step in building your website is your domain name. If you have one already, great. If not, we can help you register your domain name (www.yourwebsite.com). We do not suggest domain names with dashes, hyphens or other characters unless your they are part of your organization's name. Furthermore, domain names should be as short and simple as possible and the best choices are .com addresses. Contact us and we can secure a domain name for you. If the one you had in mind is unavailable, we can help find other solutions!
Web Hosting
The next step is to create a web hosting account, where all of your web pages, documents, and media will live. Think of your domain name as a street address and the web hosting as the actual house that the address belongs to.
Website Design & Development – Free Consultation!
Your website is the face of your business when you cannot be. Do you like your current website and does it represent you or your business well? A bad website can deter potential new clients. Whether your website needs a facelift or you need a brand new site, we can help! We design custom websites based on client needs and develop them within the WordPress platform. We deliver a stunning website that allows the client the ability to easily manage their own site; make minor updates themselves, as well as post new content to keep their customers engaged. The sites we build are responsive too, meaning they adapt to the device they’re viewed on. If the way your site looks on mobile devices isn’t important enough, Google’s recent “mobilegeddon” implementation, requires all websites to be built in responsive design, putting many older websites at risk of being banished to the back end of the search results. You definitely don’t want that!
We will provide a basic training session that last approximately 2 hours. It will teach you how to edit basic things such as your phone number, address, email, hours of operation, and social links. We also cover how to edit content on pages, how to make a new blog post and edit an existing post. If you have any custom post types, we will teach how to add and manage those as well.
Web Site Upgrades
After the web site has been launched, we realize that there is a good possibility, that at some point, our clients may need additional training or desire our help adding content or making small changes. They might also want to make some big changes, whether its adding new functionality or making improvements to their website. Maybe there was something that didn't get implemented initially due to budget constraints or someone came up with a great new idea. No matter which of these cases describes you, we've got you covered! Let us know how we can help, and we'll come up with an hourly plan to get the job done.
Do you want to sell your products online through your website? You will need a system that is both secure against hacking attempts and flexible and easy to use. There are many options available out there but which ones are actually worthwhile? We generally use WooCommerce in our E-commerce web solutions.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
If you’ve had a website for years and it’s well established, you’re way ahead of the curve. If you’re starting a brand new website, with a new domain name, you will have to work a bit harder to become established. Contact us to help you develop a strategy for successful search engine marketing.
Security is one of the most important aspect of maintaining a healthy website. We take the neccessary steps to make sure everything is safe and secure.
- .htaccess website security
- protecting your sites most vital file, the wpconfig.php
- securing and monitor the admin area and user logins
- anti-spam tools
- changing database prefixes if neccessary
- https - Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Waiting for a website to load is no fun for anyone. Most website visitors will not wait if your page is taking a long time to load. Slow loading pages not only have an adverse effect on users experience but also on search engine ranking. Google will now punish pages that take longer to load with a lower search position than a page that loads quickly. Your best bet is to shoot for a 3 second or less load time and your visitors and Google will be happy. So how do you fix this on your WordPress website? If your site is suffering from long page load times, we can do any of the following to help solve this problem:
- Reduce size of media by clipping videos or compressing images
- Use a caching plugin
- Minify CSS and HTML
Basic Maintenance Plans
Although WordPress is the number one content management system for maintaining a professional website, like anything else, it requires periodic maintenance. Hackers are at work every day trying to find their way into websites and wreak havoc. The best way to protect yourself is via regular updates to your files and installation of security plugins that notify you if anything odd is taking place within your website. We offer weekly, monthly, or quarterly maintenance packages. We all brush our teeth and floss but we leave cleanings and fillings to our dental experts, right? The web works pretty much the same way. Your best chance for maintaining a healthy online presence is with us helping you.
- We will back up your entire website and database
- We will perform updates to the WordPress core application
- Update all WordPress plugins
- Notify you of any topics of concern noticed during the process
Website Analytics
We utilize Google Analytics and the Google Search Console to monitor traffic to your site.
Social Media
We can setup your social media for you from scratch, we can help you with setting up the way it looks, we can help you post content for your followers, or we can do all of the above. Whatever your organization needs, we can help!
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