

Call - 520-240-7573


Aim small, miss small with "AIM" and you'll hit your target every time! Contact us today

    Because we want to offer the absolute best quality customer service, we have a limited amount of clients we can intake at this time. Call Kirstin Martin at 520-240-7573 now and don't forget to ask about our special 1st quarter specially priced solutions.

    * We value your privacy. The information you submit will not be shared or sold.

    Have you ever heard the term Aim Small, Miss Small?

    The thought process is in order to assure you hit your target the focus is directed to a smaller object of your target as opposed to the larger overall object, eliminating the chance of missing your mark all together. Think of a target -you don't want to just hit your target you want to hit the bulls eye!

    Introducing AIM!

    AlM stands for Algorithmic Integrated Marketing - a unique, intelligent Internet marketing strategy that allows you to permeate targeted local consumers who have expressed an interest in products and services that you provide!

    Most marketing targets all consumers in your market. With "AIM" you only target consumers with a very high level of intent to bug! No wasting time or money, just more sales!

    AIM for Google AdWords Management and Display AD RTB and Retargeting Includes

    • Account Review & Goal Setting
    • Keyword Research
    • Account Structure/Restructure
    • Text and display Ad Creation/Optimization
    • Landing Page Creation and Hosting
    • Geotargeting
    • Call Tracking
    • Conversion Tracking
    • Detailed Performance Reporting
    • Dedicated Account Manager
    PO BOX 42401
    Tucson Arizona 85733

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